Saturday, October 12, 2019

České Budějovice and the Bus Trip to Prague

So one of our big excursions related to the Seminar course (that everyone takes) is a trip to Prague.  It is very exciting to see places that we have been reading about in class and to actually experience a medieval Bohemian city or to actually see where a historic event like the defenestration of Prague took place.

We travelled to Prague by bus. I always think it is nice to take a few shots from the window, so I can remember what the landscape was like, especially since we see so much of it as we travel.

Of course some of us sleep instead. I was amazed at how small this student could fold up. Her entire body was folded double on her own seat with only a portion of her legs extending onto the other seat.


On our way to Prague we stopped at a fairly large city named České Budějovice. České Budějovice is a city that was founded by Ottokar II (whom we had read a lot about in class) and which was a Catholic stronghold for Habsburg emperor Ferdinand II during the 30 Years War when the Catholics and Protestants were fighting all over Europe.  It is also famous as the source for the original Budweiser beer.

It was great to get out of the bus and stretch our legs. We each chose our own lunch and activities here.


The old town square is quite colorful and nicely restored.

The students headed out to climb the black tower  seen in the background of the picture below.

All around the square were interesting buildings.

This is the City Hall.

I decided to visit the monastery and the local baroque church.

Here is the fountain in the center of the town square.

There was also this very interesting medieval tower which they called the Eiserne Frau. The iron lady.

And then it was back to the bus to continue on our way to Prague (as you can see by the road sign below).

The leaves were beginning to change and you could see colors in the Bohemian woods.

And then after a bit of a drive.....we saw it!!  There was Prague! (Both a modern city....

...but also the romantic old one that we were dreaming of.

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