Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Our Time on the Mountain

After arriving Friday afternoon at Tappenkarsee, we got a chance to swim in the lake and rest at the lodge.  Here is our Hütte up the hill from the lake.

We got to sit and watch the sun go down over the lake from the balcony of our lodge.

We also had a great dinner of authentic Austrian schnitzel prepared for us by the Innkeepers. 

It was a festive place and we all enjoyed playing games and cards during the evenings.

The next day we had a little fog for a while. We watched it creep across the valley, engulf the mountains and then dissipate.

On Saturday, most of us started off by climbing the mountain behind the lodge.  Once again we had to make way for cows as we headed towards the ridge.

Here you can see the valley that they will end up in (before being taken down to the flat lands even farther below this lake.)

 As we climbed higher, the lodge got smaller and smaller.

In the afternoon students set off on different trails, some seeking out the tallest peaks, some taking lower roads. I of course took the flattest, easiest road across the heath. The heath was actually quite colorful and beautiful and full of berries.

I encountered some students coming back from the really tall peaks.

Here are some of us on the deck of the lodge.

The owners made special Austrian dessert for us for our meals.

And of course there was beer.

These were my card partners on Saturday night.

 One of the students braided my hair for me. This may be the only close up you see of me on the blog.

Here's the gang all together as we got ready to hike back down the mountain and head for home.

So we headed back down the trail...

 ...went back by the beautiful scenery....

and followd the  water.

Once agan the fog rose breifly, but subsided.

It had been a wonderful excursion!  We hopped back in the bus and headed for home, ready to see what adventure we would get to have next.

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